Описание предмета

#19156: Lunar Rainbow
ID предмета 19156 Для продажи Нет
Название Lunar Rainbow Тип Броня
Цена покупки 20 Вес 20
Цена продажи 10 Уровень Оружия 0
Дальность 0 Защита 10
Слотов 1 Заточка Да
Атака 0 Мин. уровень 80
MATK 0 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Верхний головной убор
Профессия Экипировки Недоступно
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание A beautiful moon rainbow which is caused by the moonlight.
MDEF +10
AGI +3
For each refine level:
MATK +10
When combined with Ring of the Ancient Wise King:
Certain chance to auto-cast Water Ball lv.4 when dealing physical attacks.
Refine Level +5:
Increases the chance to auto-cast Water Ball and the level For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow.
When combined with Pitman Card:
Certain chance to auto-cast Earth Spike lv.4 when dealing physical attacks.
Certain chance to auto-cast Heaven Drive lv.4 when recieving physical damage.
Refine Level +5:
Increases the chance to auto-cast Earth Spike and Heaven Drive as well as the level For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow.
When combined with Hill Wind Card:
Certain chance to auto-cast Lightning Bolt lv.4 when dealing physical attacks.
Certain chance to auto-cast Thunderstorm lv.4 when recieving physical damage.
Refine Level +5:
Increases the chance to auto-cast Lightning Bolt and Thunderstorm as well as the level For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow.
When combined with Laurell Weinder Card:
Certain chance to auto-cast Cold Bolt lv.4 when dealing physical attacks.
Certain chance to auto-cast Frost Nova lv.4 when recieving physical damage.
Refine Level +5:
Increases the chance to auto-cast Cold Bolt and Frost Nova as well as the level For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow.
When combined with Red Ferus Card:
Certain chance to auto-cast Fire Ball lv.4 or Fire Bolt when dealing physical attacks.
Refine Level +5:
Increases the chance to auto-cast Fire Ball and Fire Bolt as well as the level For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow.
When combined with Rainbow-colored Cat Toy:
For each refine level of Lunar Rainbow:
ATK +15,
MATK +15,
Reduces after attack delay by 2%.

Тип: Доспех
Расположение: Голова
Защита: 10
Уровень снаряжения: 1
Требуемый уровень: 80
Профессии: Все профессии
Вес: 20