Описание предмета

#19327: jro_item_19327
ID предмета 19327 Для продажи Нет
Название jro_item_19327 Тип Броня
Цена покупки 20 Вес 30
Цена продажи 10 Уровень Оружия 0
Дальность 0 Защита 0
Слотов 0 Заточка Нет
Атака 0 Мин. уровень 80
MATK 0 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Нижний головной убор
Профессия Экипировки Недоступно
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание A feather said dropped by Seraphim. Whether it is genuine or not, nobody knows.
Increases Healing skills by 5%.
When combined with Seraphim Coronet:
Increases Healing skills by 5%.
Increases restoration gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 5%.
Reduces damage taken from Player by 2%.
Reduces variable cast time of Coluseo Heal by 100%.
Prevents Confuse and Bleeding status.
For each 8 base INT:
Reduces variable cast time of all skills by 1%.
Base INT at least 108:
Reduces variable cast time of all skills by 4%.
Increases Healing skills by 10%.
Increases restoration gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 10%.
Reduces damage taken from Player by 2%.
Base INT at least 120:
Reduces variable cast time of all skills by 6%.
Increases Healing skills by 15%.
Increases restoration gained from Healing skills and Restorative items by 15%.
Reduces damage taken from Player by 4%.
Не поддаётся заточке

Тип: Доспех
Расположение: Рот
Уровень снаряжения: 1
Требуемый уровень: 80
Профессии: Все профессии
Вес: 30