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#28615: Book of Origin
ID предмета 28615 Для продажи Нет
Название Book of Origin Тип Оружие - Книга
Цена покупки 0 Вес 80
Цена продажи 0 Уровень Оружия 4
Дальность 1 Защита 0
Слотов 3 Заточка Да
Атака 180 Мин. уровень 130
MATK 150 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Основная рука
Профессия Экипировки Священник / Мудрец / Звёздный Гладиатор
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание A book that records the origin of all elements.
MATK +150
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral element by 10%.
Decreases Variable Casting Time of Psychic Wave by 3 seconds.
Refine Level +7:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral element by additional 15%.
Refine Level +9:
Increases Magical Damage with Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Neutral element by additional 20%.
When equipped with Frontier Boots:
Decreases After Cast Delay by 20%.

Refine Level of Frontier Boots is +7 or higher:
For each Refine Level of Book of Origin:
Increases Magical Damage against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth elemental enemies by 3%.
Indestructible in battle
Type: Book
Attack: 180
Вес: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Base Level 130
Archbishop, Sorcerer and Star Emperor