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#28928: David Shield
ID предмета 28928 Для продажи Нет
Название David Shield Тип Броня
Цена покупки 20 Вес 50
Цена продажи 10 Уровень Оружия 0
Дальность 0 Защита 80
Слотов 1 Заточка Да
Атака 0 Мин. уровень 65
MATK 0 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Вторая рука
Профессия Экипировки Недоступно
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание A shield with a hexagonal star engraved. You can feel a mystical power from it.
Decreases damage taken from Wind, Earth, Holy and Poison elemental attacks by 20%.
For each Level of Faith skill:
Increases damage taken from Holy elemental attacks by 2%.
When equipped with Assaulter Robe:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
MATK +10%
When equipped with Dead Man's Robe:
Decreases Variable Casting Time by 15%.
MATK +10%
When equipped with Yin Yang Talisman and Burning Sword:
For each Refine Level of Burning Sword:
HIT +5
Increases Attack Speed by 4%.
Increases damage of Crimson Rock by 1%.
When equipped with Yin Yang Talisman and Purification Sword:
For each Refine Level of Purification Sword:
HIT +5
Increases Attack Speed by 4%.
Increases damage of Judex by 5%.
When equipped with Yin Yang Talisman and Abyss Sword:
For each Refine Level of Abyss Sword:
HIT +5
Increases Attack Speed by 4%.
Increases damage of Hell Inferno by 10%.
Type: Shield
Defense: 80
Вес: 50
Armor Level: 1
Base Level 65