Описание предмета

#32012: Metal Stick (jRO)
ID предмета 32012 Для продажи Нет
Название Metal Stick (jRO) Тип Оружие - Одноручное копье
Цена покупки 20 Вес 250
Цена продажи 10 Уровень Оружия 4
Дальность 3 Защита 0
Слотов 1 Заточка Да
Атака 180 Мин. уровень 130
MATK 0 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Основная рука
Профессия Экипировки Рыцарь / Крестоносец
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание A spear-shaped object cast by the lost technique.
The structure and materials as well as the intended use have not been clarified.
VIT +3
For each Base Level:
Increases damage of Banishing Point by 2%.
Refine Level +7:
Decreases After Attack Delay by 10%.
Decreases SP Consumption of Banishing Point by 15.
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human and Doram race by 15%.
Refine Level +9:
For each Base Level:
Increases damage of Banishing Point by additional 1%.
Refine Level +10:
Increases Physical Damage against Demi-Human and Doram race by additional 30%.
Type: One-Handed Spear
Attack: 180
Вес: 250
Weapon Level: 4
Base Level 130
3rd classes of Swordsman