Описание предмета

#7533: Гид Айотая
ID предмета 7533 Для продажи Нет
Название Гид Айотая Тип Прочее
Цена покупки 0 Вес 0
Цена продажи 0 Уровень Оружия 0
Дальность 0 Защита 0
Слотов 0 Заточка Нет
Атака 0 Мин. уровень Недоступно
MATK 0 Макс. уровень Недоступно
Расположение Недоступно
Профессия Экипировки Недоступно
Пол Экипировки Любой (Мужской и Женский)
Описание [Ayothaya]
Thoughts of transcending your limitations and finding Life's perfect philosophy is Ayothaya's Heritage.
In Ayothaya's history is great Philosopher that all Ayothayans seek to emulate.
There are numerous statues representing this Philosopher exist in and around Ayothaya.
You should visit them to see what differences and significance these Reclining Philosopher Statues mean to you.
Part of the Philosophy involves many hours of meditation a day to keep balance in your mind and body.
You should visit the Shrine in Ayothaya and meditate upon your life's journey.
And when you complete your regimen of Exercise and Introspection you can refuel your body by visiting
the Tom Yum Goong restaurant. The famous soup made here is truly delicious.
Don't leave Ayothaya without sampling the dishes there.
[Don't forget to take photos of all these things and show them to your Tour Guide.]
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